
  • Etty Harmaningrini Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara



This study aims to: (1) describe the structure of the story (2) describe the religious aspect with the semiotic approach; and (3) finding the relevance of the religious aspect in the short story Anak Teladan by A. Rahman Rahim in Literature Teaching in Primary Schools. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data and data sources of this research is the story of the Anak Teladan by A. Rahman Rahim. Data collection techniques using techniques see and record. The analysis technique used is heuristic and hermeneutic readings.Results of this study were (1) the structure of the story of the Anak Teladan by A. Rahman Rahim, namely: (a) the theme of helping, (b) the main character Fadlan, Early, Nature, iful, and Rijal and additional figures are: Mrs. Ramlah, Mr. Rahmat, Ade, Lisa, Yuni Nita, Mr Syamsul, Mrs. Mubarak, Pickpockets, Mr. Sukri, Mr. Faisal, Mr. Police Chief, Police Seto Hari Marsono, Police Batara Andi, Police Averroes, Mr. Haji, Mr. driver microbus, Mrs. Ida, Mr. Muhdi, Ms. Minka, and Mr Supardi., (C) the plot is a mixture, namely forward and backward., (D) Structure places include, houses, halls, hospitals , police stations, and public transportation. setting time is morning, afternoon, and evening. Social background is helping., (e) the standpoint of third charm, commendation is like helping among others. (2) The values of the religious in the Anak Teladan by A. Rahman Rahim covers three main topics, namely: (a) the aspect of faith is called faith; (b) norms and legal aspects of the so-called sharia; and (c) aspects of the behavior of the so-called morals. Based on the analysis, the story of the Anak Teladan by A. Rahman Rahim has relevance as teaching materials in primary schools.

Keywords : studying literature , short stories Children Exemplary works of A. Rahman Rahim , aspects religious , semiotic approaches


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