
  • Sri Gunatun Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara



This research employed real object in speaking skill learning. This research aimed to describe the learning plan with real object media in Group B students in TK Negeri Pembina Sragen, to describe the implementation of learning process using real object media in Group B students in TK Negeri Pembina Sragen, to describe the problem the students encountered in using real object media in Group B students in TK Negeri Pembina Sragen, and to describe the solutions in using real object media in Group B students in TK Negeri Pembina Sragen.

          The subjects of this research were the Headmaster, the teacher, the students, and learning model existing in the Group B Taman Kanak-Kanak Negeri Pembina Sragen. It was descriptive quantitative research that focused on collecting information of what happened in the real condition. The sources of the data in this research were documents, informant, and place of event. The techniques of collecting the data were interview, observation, and document. The data was analyzed by using questionnaire and observation during the learning process by grouping and sorting the obtained data of the research and the result was used to answer the stated problems.

The results of the research were (1) the learning plan for speaking skill using real objects could improved the students to be more stimulated in expressing ideas and thought in simple sentences, (2) the implementation of learning for the students using real objects media could be said as successful as indicated with the improvement of students’ speaking skill, (3) the problems encountered by the students were that they had difficulty in choosing the diction or sentences to describe the pictures and in organizing structured sentences, (4) the solutions done by the teacher were helping the students in choosing the proper diction when they had difficulty and correcting the pronunciation of the words. The students were expected to be more active in learning using real objects media, had courage in expressing their idea or opinion, and had positive attitude toward the learning material delivered by the teacher.

Keywords: learning, speaking, real object media


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