
  • Dwi Handayani Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara



The purpose of this study as follows (1) to describe the learning plan of the appreciation children’s story using Jigsaw method (2) the implementation of learning in the appreciation children’s story using Jigsaw method (3) constraints experienced of the appreciation children’s story using Jigsaw method; and (4) the solution is taken to overcome obstacles of the appreciation children’s story using Jigsaw method in the Elementary School. This study uses qualitative descriptive method with embedded case study. The object of this study is teaching the learning process of Children story appreciation by using Jigsaw method in the Elementary School. Subjects were students and teachers elementary school. The data are  qualitative data while the data source of this research are documents those are syllabus, RPP, a portfolio of student performance, appraisal books, field notes and documentation field. Data analysis techniques used interactive analysis method includes (1) The collection of data, (2) data reduction, (3) presentation of data, and (4) conclusion. The results of this study are: (1) the learning plan that teachers have: the syllabus, prota, promissory notes, KKM, lesson plans, teaching materials, the book value. (2) The learning goes smoothly, but has not seen PAKEM. (3) The problems faced are teachers do not understand the steps of learning with jigsaw method,less time in the implementation of learning, the division of the group one of the groups less member so that one member concurrently two tasks,some students have not understand the duties and  there are some students who are not able to explain the material duties which it is responsible. (4) the solution to overcome the constraints are the teacher tried to understand and explore the steps of learning with jigsaw method, teachers try to organize time as effectively and efficiently as possible, students are given the understanding that the number of tasks and the number of members sometimes do not match, before the students performs the task of the teacher should explain the student's task in detail and students are encouraged to understand the material duties in the group of experts and equipped with attitude bold and confident. 

Key words: learning, appreciation of children’s story, jigsaw method.


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