Evaluation, Health Center, Management Information System, HOT-Fit MethodAbstract
Information system evaluation is the process of knowing the extent of the information system.From a preliminary study of researchers in the health center gatak about the number of human
resources has been found that the lack of human resources is competent in the it field, not all officers
understand the use of the Health Center Management Information System (HCMIS), sometimes an
error server causes a breakdown in service processes. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the
application of Health Center Management Information System in the health center gatak and know
the use of quality services indicator Health Center Management Information System by explaining
the compatible systems component that is human, technology and organization. This type of research
is a descriptive analytic study with a qualitative approach. Research subject exist six is the head of
medical records, one operator polyclinic, Hcmis coordinator, one Hcmis operator, head of the
medical center, and one pharmacist. The sample retrieval technique used is purposive sampling. The
results of this study, is known to what extent the Health Center Management Information System
program is running, to provide input for an evaluation at health center gatak for the front because
human, technology, and organization compatibility really does affect information systems. It is
hoped that there will be periodic training so that the implementation of Health Center Management
Information System use becomes easier.
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