The purpose of this study is (1) describe the preparation (2) dthe implementation, (3) the obstacles , and (4) describe learning solutions narrative essay writing in class V SD Negeri Geneng 2, Miri, Sragen in the academic year 2014/2015.This study uses a single case study research strategy because the learning is done in a narrative essay writing research locations namely Public Elementary School Geneng 2, District Miri, Sragen and one subject of learning writing a narrative essay. This research was conducted in SD Negeri Geneng 2, District Miri, Sragen. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach, and the source of the data in this study is a narrative essay writing learning activities, informants and documents. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and document analysis. Mechanical validity of data using a triangulation of sources and data analysis techniques performed by the Interactive models. The result, (1) Planning study provides an analysis of teacher assessment and program improvement and enrichment. (2) the whole process of learning to write a narrative essay in class V SD Negeri Geneng 2, Sragen smooth (3) Constraints faced by teachers in teaching essay writing narrative is a) Students in the following study less enthusiasm. b) Teachers mastered the material optimally. c) The method used by teachers vary. (4) The solution adopted in the face of the constraints mentioned above are a) provide motivation to the students, b) Teachers learn the material before delivering the materials to be delivered, c) Teachers apply multiple methods.
Keywords : teaching, writing a narrative essay, Contextual Teaching methods and Learning, Elementary School Students.
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