This contrastive study on the Indonesian language (bI) and Thai language (bTh) simple sentence structure deals with four principal issues, namely (1) the structure of bI and bTh simple sentence based on the function and category of its elements, (2) the structure of bTh simple sentence based on the function and category of its elements, (3) the similarities and differences of Indonesian and Thai language simple sentence structure and (4) the implementation of this research’s findings in the teaching of Indonesian and Thai as a foreign language. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The method used in the data collection process was test method and interview. In the final phase, the data were analyzed using the identity method with contrastive technique to identify Indonesian and Thai simple sentence structure in order to obtain information about the grammatical characteristics’ similarities and differences between the two languages. The results obtained from the data analysis showed that (1) Indonesian simple sentence structure including S-P, S-P-O, S-P-O-C every functions in the structure can made by afiks, (2) Thai simple sentence structure of S-P, SP-O, S-O-P, S-P-C-O every functions in the structure are marked by a marker (3) The structural criteria similarity of Indonesian and Thai languages simple sentence structure is only in form of the elements’ category that occupy the S and O function which filled by noun category (N) and noun phrase (NP); while grammatical system differences of Indonesian and Thai languages simple sentence structure include grammatical variation of simple sentence structure related to function, order, and the constituents’ category. (4) The implementation of the research’s findings to the teaching of Indonesian and Thai as a foreign language contributes to the provision of comprehensive understanding related to the elements that occupy function on bI and bTh simple sentence, the categories that fill each structure function on Indonesian and Thai simple sentence, as well as changeable or unchangeable order or position on the structure pattern variation of Indonesian and Thai languages simple sentenceDownloads
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