
  • Dwi Prihatin Sekolah Dasar Negeri Wonomulyo
  • Mukti Widayati Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara



Objectives to be achieved in this research are: 1) Describe the learning plan writing narrative with media image series for students 4th grade N 1 Giritirto, 2) Describe the lesson implementation narrative writing with the picture series in the 4th SD N 1 Giritirto, 3) describe the challenges and solutions in teaching narrative writing using picture media series in the 4th SD N 1 Giritirto, 4) describe the learning outcomes narrative writing with picture media series learners 4th SD N 1 Giritirto. This study includes a descriptive qualitative research that focuses on gathering information about the ongoing situation. Obtained data include: 1) planning data that syllabus and lesson plans; 2) Data implementation of learning; 3) the data constraints and solutions in learning; 4) data of learning to write the narrative. Source of data used in the study include: 1) the informant / source, 2) places, events/activities. 3) documents or records, and 4) the results of the test. The data collection technique is by 1) interview, 2) observation, 3) technical analysis of documents or records, and 4) the testing techniques. Mechanical validity of data used source triangulation and methode triangulation. The results showed that: 1) In the planning of learning: teachers are already preparing syllabi and lesson plans in accordance with curriculum and school environment; 2) The observation of the implementation of learning can be seen: the teachers implementing the learning properly, using the picture media series well, learning materials in accordance with the purpose of learning, master classes with good teachers, students can complete the tasks assigned by the teacher; 3) The problem faced during the course are: a) learning materials are still centered on one textbook; b) Media images are used less attractive; c) the lack of student interest in learning to write the narrative; d) students are confused to start writing, e) lack of time in learning to write the narrative. Solutions to address the above constraints are: a) Increase the reference books; b) Provide the media image series with more attractive; c) provide motivation to the students; d) Adding the mastery of vocabulary; e) the giving of time outside of school hours. 4) The ability of students in essay writing narrative well. It can be seen from the average results of essay writing narrative reaches 78.44, 93.75% classical completeness or 30 students achieving grades above KKM 66


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