
  • Rendra Triana Chandra Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara



 Target of this research is to description study of poem [in] class of V SD Negeri Dawung 2 District of Jenar evaluated from aspect: (1) planning of study; (2) execution of study; (3) constraints faced in study; and (4) efforts learn class of V SD Negeri Dawung 2 in overcoming constraints study appreciation of poem. This research [is] including descriptive research qualitative use approach of research of case study. This research subjek [is] class student of V SD Negeri Dawung 2 District of Jenar amounting to 28 student. Source of data [at] this research [is]: (1) archives or document; (2) guest speaker (informant); (3) activity or event; (4) location or place; and (5) object, picture and also record. Technique data collecting [at] this research [is] [done/conducted] with three way of, that is (1) circumstantial interview; (2) observation/perception; and (3) document analysis. Used data validity, that is (1) triangulasi source of data and (2) method triangulation. Technique analyse data which [is] used in this research [is] analysis technique model interactif.  Pursuant to result of research can be concluded that: (1) planning of study of appreciation of poem [in] class of V SD Negeri Dawung 2 District of Jenar which in form of Plan Execution of Study (RPP) made by team of KKG, but adaptation have according to condition of school; (2) execution of study of appreciation of poem [in] class of V SD Negeri Dawung 2 District of Jenar have [at] study of poem having the character of apresiatif, but not yet is maximal; (3) arising out constraint in study appreciation of poem [in] class of V SD Negeri Dawung 2 District of Jenar that is: (a) media study appreciation of poem weared by teacher still is limited; (b) the lack of time allocation for the study of appreciation of poem; (c) student feel difficulty to pour words at the (time) of making of poem; (4) effort learn Indonesian [in] class of V SD Negeri Dawung 2 District of Jenar to overcome constraints in study of appreciation of poem that is: (a) execute study appreciation of poem at development of x'self; (b) raise proposal to headmaster for the levying of physic appliance and study media; (c) levying of art books, specially poem; and (d) give motivation to student to love study of poem. Through the efforts expected [by] study of appreciation of poem for period to comes to become more interesting to student, more effective and is efficient.


Keyword: study, appreciation, poem, KTSP.


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