
  • Seno Waluyo Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara



The objectives of the research are to describe the learning plan, the implementation, the obstacles are found in the learning, and the solutions to overcome barriers learning in writing a traditional poetry (pantun) by the model of Make A Match.This research was carried out at the elementary school Ngolorog 3, District of Sragen. The research method was descriptive qualitative, and source of the data in this study was activities in learning of writing a traditional poetry (pantun), informants, and documents. The techniques of collection data used were observations, interviews, and documents.The result of the research are: the learning plan and the implementation of learning to write a traditional poetry (pantun) by using a model of Make A Match goes well. The obstacles faced in learning of writing a traditional poetry (pantun) using the model of Make A Match of the students are: there is no readiness of students in participating subjects, equipment owned students have not been adequate, the accuracy of the students in finding pairs of cards is still low. The resistance of the teachers: the teacher has not mastered the model Make A Match applied in learning. The resistance of the material is the lack of guidelines on how to make a traditional poetry (pantun). The solutions to face resistances in learning of writing a traditional poetry (pantun) by using Make A Match model of the students are: Drawing the attention of the students to read a traditional poetry (pantun) that was read just now, provide props that contains the material and giving out leaflets containing some examples a traditioan poetry (pantun) taken from several sources, provide direction that the assessment carried out not only the test results but also to be active in following the lessons were also assessed, and review the rule of a traditional poetry (pantun). Solutions to overcome the resistance of the teachers:  Teachers discuss and ask for feedback from colleagues and principals about ways to make a traditional poetry (pantun) that is easily understood by the students. Solutions to overcome obstacles in terms of material is by way of accessing data from the internet.


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