
  • Sri Giyani Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara



The aim of this study was to understand and describe: 1. Implementation of learning to read beginning with the adoption of role-playing. 2. The obstacles faced by teachers in teaching reading at the beginning of the application of methods play a role. 3. Efforts made by teachers to overcome the obstacles in learning to read the beginning of the method of playing a role in students Kindergarten of Karang 03 Karangpandan 2014/2015 academic year.

This was a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects were students in Kindergarten of Karang 03 Karangpandan. Data were collected using observation, interview, and documentation. The validity of the data was performed using data triangulation. Data analysis was performed using interactive analysis.

The study concluded that: 1. Learning to read the beginning of the method of playing the role performed by making Daily activity plan is equipped with a play. Implementation is done by appointing one member of each group to forward to reading plays. Furthermore, the activities carried out in groups to play a role by reading together. 2. The obstacles that arise in learning activities with methods of playing this role include: a. Students who do not fluently read a lot, b. There are still students who can not read the word, c. Time application of the amethod of playing a role has not been sufficient. 3. How to overcome the obstacles that arise in learning activities with methods of playing this role include: a. Teachers read the first and imitated by students, b. Teachers create a small group to play into one role, and c. Add time learning becomes more the next day.


Keywords: Methods Role Playing, Reading Starter, Kindergarten of Karang 03


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