Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): January

Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Communication) is a scientific journal published by the Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara - Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, literature studies, scientific concepts, and innovative technologies in the field of education and learning. The scope of the article covers formal, informal, and non-formal education. Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan is published twice a year, in January & July.
Metacognitive Learning Strategies for EFL Autonomous Learning
Views: 22 times / Download: 34 times -
Implementation of the Quizizz Application as An Alternative Media for Learning Assessment in Universities During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Views: 28 times / Download: 26 times -
Development of Subject-Specific Pedagogy for Natural Science Based on the MIKiR Approach for Landslide Disaster Prevention
Views: 22 times / Download: 23 times -
The Patterns of Distance Learning Communication in The Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Views: 21 times / Download: 29 times -
Exploring the Sources of English-Speaking Anxiety Experienced by Vocational Senior High School Students
Views: 52 times / Download: 27 times / Download: 0 times