Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023)
Personal Life Experience Shown in Irony: A Song Analysis
Views: 62 times / Download: 43 times / Download: 0 times -
Investigating English as Lingua Franca in the Indonesian multilingual context: Perceptions of English learners at the university level
Views: 73 times / Download: 61 times -
The Constructivism English Online Teaching Moodle-Based Integration In Higher Education Context
Views: 57 times / Download: 41 times -
Students’ Response on Developing Writing Descriptive Text Material Using Genre Based Approach
Views: 34 times / Download: 30 times -
Teaching Writing Analytical Exposition Text Using YouTube Media Assisted by Whatsapp
Views: 71 times / Download: 36 times / Download: 0 times -
Syntactic Tree Diagram: Students' Problems and the Causes
Views: 1125 times / Download: 314 times