Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): January

Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Communication) is a scientific journal published by the Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara - Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, literature studies, scientific concepts, and innovative technologies in the field of education and learning. The scope of the article covers formal, informal, and non-formal education. Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan is published twice a year, in January & July. All authors in this issue come from 2 countries: Indonesia, and Cambodia.
The Influence of Teaching Talent on Student Learning Outcomes
Views: 79 times / Download: 76 times -
Unleashing the Power of Quizizz Paper Mode to Refine Senior High School Students' Islamic Vocabulary Mastery
Views: 99 times / Download: 84 times -
Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Communication between Teachers and Deaf Students
Views: 144 times / Download: 98 times -
Development of A Critical Thinking Test with Science Content Oriented to Tri Hita Karana Local Wisdom
Views: 73 times / Download: 44 times -
Designing Flexibility, Accessibility, and Independent Learning through the Use of Hyperapp Blended Learning Module
Views: 124 times / Download: 56 times -
Pedagogical Competency, Teacher Work Groups, and Motivation: Their Influence on Teaching Performance in State Elementary Schools
Views: 44 times / Download: 20 times -
Developing Digital Comics Based on Local Wisdom for Fantasy Story Texts to Enhance Student Learning Outcomes
Views: 52 times / Download: 30 times -
Development of Comic-Based Integrated Science Teaching Materials for Fifth Grade Elementary School Students
Views: 53 times / Download: 41 times -
Developing Natural and Social Science Books Integrating Science Process Skills to Enhance Student Learning Outcomes in Fifth Grade Elementary School
Views: 55 times / Download: 29 times