Attitude of Public Knowledge for Tb Prevention in Puskesmas City of Surakarta


  • Sulistyani Prabu Aji Program Doktor Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Farid Setyo Nugroho Prodi Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo



 Tuberculosis (TBC) is an irresistible sickness brought about by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Most TBC microorganisms assault the lungs, however can likewise influence different organs of the body. The reason for this study was to decide the degree of information, perspectives, and activities of patients about TBC.  Respondents who were utilized as tests were the individuals who met the incorporation measures. The information acquired were then broke down by ascertaining the circulation of respondents' qualities (orientation, age, schooling, occupation, pay and term of TBC) as well as replies to surveys that included (information, perspectives and activities). In view of the consequences of the review that the individuals who have great information about tuberculosis and its counteraction endeavors are 36 respondents (69.23%) and the individuals who have less information are 16 respondents (30.77%). The respondent's information about tuberculosis is great in light of the fact that already respondents had gotten data about tuberculosis through different broad communications. Furthermore, it was observed that there were 16 respondents (30.77%) who had a negative mentality towards tuberculosis.

Keywords: Keywords: Attitude, Knowledge, Prevention of TBC

Author Biography

Sulistyani Prabu Aji, Program Doktor Universitas Sebelas Maret

Health Promotion Community Empowerment Doctoral Program



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