The Relationship Between Knowledge about Breast Cancer and Breast Self-Examination Behavior (BSE) among Female Students at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Masaran


  • Desti Pramudika Romadhoni Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo
  • Titik Haryanti
  • Dewi Puspito Sari



In Central Java in 2019 there were 702 cases of breast cancer, while in 2019 there were 42 cases of breast cancer in Sragen Regency. One of the factors causing the still high number of cancer cases is the low level of behavior in carrying out BSE. The results of a preliminary study conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Masaran, of the 10 female students (100%) none knew about the importance of BSE and none had ever done BSE once a month. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between knowledge about breast cancer and breast self-examination behavior (BSE) among female students at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Masaran. This research is quantitative with a cross sectional approach.


