
  • Hafizhan Pramanda Putra UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta
  • Moh Asif Fuadi UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta
  • Sucipto Sucipto UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta



Hadrah Fattahillah, Islamic Art, Kartasura


This research discusses about the journey of local Hadrah called Hadrah Fatahillah from Kartasura. The scope of this research started from 1998-2019. The problems that will be discusses start from the history of its establishment, the dynamics of of the journey and the existence of Hadrah Fatahillah. Based on the problems, this research used history research method start with  theme or topic, source collection, source verification, interpretation of data and the last part is historiography. This study expalains the historical facts that focus on primary data, such as archives, photos, articles, interviews with the perpetrators and also the historicalo witnesses themselves and supported by relevant references and previous research. The result of this research bring out that development of Hadrah in Indonesia to smaller area such Kartasura. The establishment of Hadrah Fattahillah in Karatsura originated from the local tradition of berjanjen and terbangun pesisiran in Sedahromo, Kartasura environment. The estabilishment of Hadrah Fattahillah intend to preserve Islamic culture and grow sense of love to Rasulullah SAW with sholawat. The journey of Hadrah Fattahillah began with won the tournament of Islamic art in 1998-2019 then some of mambers out from Hadrah Fattahillah and force them to rebuild the group in 2004. Hadrah Fattahillah started to grown up in 2005 till 2014 and the declined guardly in 2015 till 2019.


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Arsip dan Majalah

Dokumen Foto Grup Rebana Kalijaga Tahun 1994 Milik Muhammad Maghfur

Dokumen Foto Hadrah Fattahillah Tahun 1998 Milik Muhammad Maghfur

Dokumentasi Foto Pengajian Masjid Jami Tunggulsari 16 September 1985 Milik Madrasah Diniyah Islamiyah Masjid Jami Tunggulsari

Jadwal dan Presensi Kehadiran Anggota Hadrah Fattahillah Tahun 2014 – Mei 2016

Kumpulan Foto Milik Hadrah Fattahillah

Poster Kartasura Bersholawat bersama Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf, 8 November 2011 Milik Hadrah Fatahillah

Rekaman Lagu Hadrah Fattahillah Tahun 1998

Rekaman Lagu Hadrah Fattahillah Tahun 2007 – 2013

Jurnal, Buku, dan Skripsi

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Sumber Online Diakses pada 7 Desember 2020, Pukul 10.42 WIB, Diakses pada 10 November 2020, Pukul 23.33 WIB.


Joko Zulianto (58), Kartasura. Pendiri Hadrah Fattahillah

Muhammad Maghfur (40), Kartasura. Pendiri Hadrah Fattahillah

Asfihani (50), Kartasura Pembina Hadrah Fattahillah

Anis Nur Rochmat (34), Kartasura. Personil Hadrah Fattahillah

Miftah Farid Gunawan (32), Jebres. Personil dan Mantan Ketua Hadrah Fattahillah

KH. Idris Shofawi (68), Laweyan. Pendiri Jamuro





