Increasing Mothers' Knowledge about Parenting Patterns for Children and Adolescents in the Digital Era (PAAREDI)




Pengetahuan, Pola Asuh, Remaja, Era Digital


Parents’ role is crucial in guiding children in today's digital era. One of the roles can be choosing shows
or shows according to their age. Parenting patterns for children and adolescents in the digital era need
to be properly implemented by parents. The digital era is unavoidable, so parents need to adapt and
choose the right parenting style to deal with digital exposure. One form of transfer of knowledge that is
considered effective in increasing public knowledge and awareness is health education. It is hoped that
this socialization activity will be able to increase public knowledge, especially among members of the
PKK driving team, about the importance of parenting children and adolescents in the digital era. The
implementation method used is through classical meetings, face-to-face directly to participate in the
delivery of health information conveyed by the presenters. The results obtained are that the target
group already understands the concept of parenting children and adolescents in the digital era
including understanding, the role of parents, the concept of child development, and various preventive
measures that can be taken against gadget addiction.

Author Biographies

Nita Yunianti Ratnasari, Akademi Keperawatan Giri Satria Husada Wonogiri

Departemen Keperawatan komunitas dan Keluarga

Retno Ambarwati, Akademi keperawatan Giri Satria Husada Wonogiri

Keperawatan Anak


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How to Cite

Ratnasari, N. Y., & Ambarwati, R. (2024). Increasing Mothers’ Knowledge about Parenting Patterns for Children and Adolescents in the Digital Era (PAAREDI). Educate: Journal of Community Service in Education, 4(1), 40–45.


