Communication Pattern in The Genduren Tradition of Talang Village, Magelang District (Ethnographic Communication Approach


  • Esti Apisari Universitas Diponegoro
  • Nurhayati Universitas Diponegoro
  • Agus Subiyanto Universitas Diponegoro



There was a unique tradition in Indonesia, especially in Talang Village, Magelang Regency, Central Java Province named genduren. This tradition was unique because it was not found in other areas. It was held after Eid al-Fitr prayers. This article aims to describe the communication patterns in genduren carried out by the Talang Village community from the perspective of communication ethnographic. The research method used was elicitation and observation. The data collection technique was tapping and recording. Apart from that, the direct interview method was also used as part of the triangulation of the data that had been obtained. The data classification process is then explained using certain element sorting techniques. Analysis was carried out using descriptive methods. Based on the results of the analysis, there was a multilevel communication pattern, namely between the person who leads and the community they lead. Apart from that, there was mixed communication in the genduren tradition, which contains cultural and philosophical meanings. The Javanese variety was used to communicate with fellow humans, while the Arabic variety was used to communicate between creatures and God. Arabic was also used because people feel more competent in praying. The special meaning of implementing genduren was the completion of the entire series of worship during the holy months of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr so that people feel "purified" after carrying out this tradition. By purifying themselves, people also hope that the prayers they offer will be more easily answered. Based on the Saville-Troike theory of communication patterns, there were communicative situations, communicative events, and communicative actions. Behind that pattern, there was a Javanese culture, called respect each other.


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How to Cite

Apisari, E., Nurhayati, & Agus Subiyanto. (2024). Communication Pattern in The Genduren Tradition of Talang Village, Magelang District (Ethnographic Communication Approach. Kawruh: Journal of Language Education, Literature and Local Culture, 6(2), 91–102.