This research aims to determine the effect of differences in the composition of Meniran and Sambiloto on immune and performance responsibility of broiler chickens. The research was conducted at UPT Akademi Peternakan Karanganyar. The research used as many as 60 broiler chickens that is devided into 4 groups of treatments and 3 replication. The treatment is applied the administration of Meniran and Sambiloto extract in the water, that is including of:T0 (Control): water without feed additive, T1: addition of Meniran and Sambiloto extract with a composition of 75 : 25%, T2: addition of Meniran and Sambiloto extract with the composition 50 : 50%, T3: the addition of Menirani and Sambiloto extract with a composition of 25: 75%. The addition of Meniran and Sambiloto extract as much as 300 mg/liter of drinking water. The design is used a completely randomized design. The parameters were observed the performance including of feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed conversions. The data of immune responsiveness were analyzed descriptively and the data of performance were analyzed by using variannce analysis. Based on the results of the variance analysis that is Meniran and Sambiloto extracts with a ratio of 25% : 75% can increasing the chicken appetite compared with the treatment control but it have not effect on the body weight gain, and feed conversion. The data of ND titer shows there is a protective titer achievement of ND (log23-log25). Lymphocyte data shows the protective numbers. It was concluded that the differences in composition of Meniran and Sambiloto extracts did not show the performance differences, but were able to improve the immune response of broilers.
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