Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): October

Journal of Geography Science and Education invites original articles and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Journal of Geography Science and Education is a natural science and education journal, publishing articles related:
Geography Science: Physical process and spatial patterns at the earth's surface, physio-geographical elements and their interaction, global change and its regional response, characters and management of natural resources, landscape ecology and environmental construction, remote sensing, geographic information system and their applications in geographical research.
Geography Education: Theory and practice of a specific aspect of geographical education, stimulating geography lessons, and illustrate approaches to teaching geography.
It is a semi-annual journal, published in April and October.
Analysis of the Potential Level of Threat of Invasive Alien Species Regenerating Tree Poles in Laweyan Village
Views: 63 times / Download: 47 times -
The Inventory of Native, Introduced and Invasive Vegetation in Tree-Pole Regeneration in Laweyan Village, Surakarta
Views: 136 times / Download: 66 times -
Influence Home Industry Kampoeng Batik Laweyan To Community Economy in the Laweyan Region of Surakarta
Views: 116 times / Download: 57 times -
The Influence of Implementing the Project Based Learning Model on Students Geography Learning Motivation at SMA N 1 Tanjung Mutiara Agam Regency
Views: 72 times / Download: 71 times