Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): July
Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Communication) is a scientific journal published by the Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara - Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, literature studies, scientific concepts, and innovative technologies in the field of education and learning. The scope of the article covers formal, informal, and non-formal education. Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan is published twice a year, in January & July. All authors in this issue come from 2 countries: Indonesia, and Vietnam.
Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Student Creativity in Vietnamese Tertiary EFL Classrooms: Teacher Perspectives
Views: 104 times / Download: 58 times -
Implementation of Child-friendly School Incentive Education in Preventing Bullying Behavior among Students
Views: 38 times / Download: 19 times -
The Influence of Digital-Based Gamification on Student Engagement and Language Literacy Skills: A Study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Views: 50 times / Download: 42 times -
Impact of Digital Streamers’ Language on the Moral Development of Vietnamese Adolescents: A Qualitative Inquiry
Views: 31 times / Download: 17 times -
Adiwiyata as an Effective Environmental Education Program: How to Create and Maintain It?
Views: 30 times / Download: 21 times -
Development of Project-Based Science Learning Activities Using the Fieldtrip Method to Improve Students’ Learning Outcomes
Views: 21 times / Download: 10 times -
How Educational Flipbooks and Learning Motivation Affect Early Reading Proficiency in First-Grade Kindergarteners
Views: 16 times / Download: 10 times -
Profiling Creative Thinking Skills among Elementary School Students: A Study Based on the Merdeka Curriculum Elements
Views: 19 times / Download: 16 times -
Developing Digital Storybooks to Enhance Primary School Students' Scientific Literacy: A Needs Analysis
Views: 42 times / Download: 23 times -
Parents' Perception of Their Role in Character Education for Early Childhood in Indonesia
Views: 29 times / Download: 14 times -
Adoption of Persuasive Technology as a Communication Media for Learning in Integrated Schools
Views: 109 times / Download: 37 times -
Moderation of Locus of Control in the Development of Android-Based Google Site Interactive Learning Media to Improve Learning Outcomes
Views: 17 times / Download: 9 times