The Effectivity of Kelubi (Eleiodoxa Conferta) Towards Microbial Content and Egg Shell Flour Calcium


  • Susan Lumban Gaol Universitas Antakusuma
  • Ayutha Wijinindyah universitas antakusuma
  • ida ketut mudhita universitas antakusuma




The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of soaking eggshells in kelubi fruit water extract on the microbial content and calcium content of the eggshells. The study was designed using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatment was soaking the eggshells in kelubi fruit water extract for 0 (without soaking), 3, 4, and 5 hours. The variables observed for the eggshells included calcium levels and testing for Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. bacteria using the Most Probable Number (MPN) method. The results showed that the calcium level increased with longer soaking in kelubi fruit water extract. However, soaking in kelubi fruit water extract did not affect the microbial content, as no Salmonella sp. or Escherichia coli bacteria were found in any of the treatments.


Keywords : Kelubi fruit water (Eleiodoxa conferta), microbial content, eggshell


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How to Cite

Gaol, S. L., Wijinindyah, A., & mudhita, ida ketut. (2023). The Effectivity of Kelubi (Eleiodoxa Conferta) Towards Microbial Content and Egg Shell Flour Calcium. Bantara Journal of Animal Science, 5(1), 28–36.


